A Gamers Manifesto
This is great, a list of demands on what the next generation of games should be like.
Remote desktop snap in
A friend of mine showed me this, its pretty cool:
1. Find this file on a 2003 server...
Should be found in this directory...
2. Copy to your PC and run.
3. Start->Run...
4. Type "MMC"
5. File -> Add Snap-in ->click on add -> then select.....
6. Click close to close top window, then click OK.
7. Right click and add new connection.......
Once you have add all computers you normally connect 2. File ->Save 2 your Desktop.
Now just flick from connection to connection.
I think I love this site – w3schools.com. I just keep finding really useful stuff there.
This is my latest find, some really cool examples using JavaScript and the DOM.
This is a test email post
I just found this setting to post via email. If this works ill be pretty happy with today’s new find J
Corporate fallout detector
I thought this was pretty cool, I think I would really get one if its ever made avaliable. Well I think it would be at least a new toy for a week or so.
Lost in translation
This is kinda amusing - it translates a paragraph into another language, and them back into english. It then does this another 10 times with 10 other languages before giving the final result. Giving you, well a load of crap really. Here is the translation of this post:
This end is allegro, - those the section, habits are become of other
languages with English. What you of the obstruction worries you you
had given for the interior before it is the restoration nonupdated for
you, other that 10 languages 10 already have then to æ-¶æ° this. It
really has to the seconds that goodses know something of the load of
the hand. On the other hand, to be turned around of decree to announce
this here:
This end is allegro, - those the section, habits are become of other
languages with English. What you of the obstruction worries you you
had given for the interior before it is the restoration nonupdated for
you, other that 10 languages 10 already have then to æ-¶æ° this. It
really has to the seconds that goodses know something of the load of
the hand. On the other hand, to be turned around of decree to announce
this here:
Hex colours
I was looking for some hex colour charts, so here they are:
Webmonkey | reference:Colour codes
Doug's home page
So you want a basic colour code huh?
Webmonkey | reference:Colour codes
Doug's home page
So you want a basic colour code huh?
Yesderday I decided to get into podcasting, and its been really good. Here are the ones that I have been listening to:
The Microsoft Developer Show
The Media Center Show
Slacker Astronomy
G'Day World Podcast
Channel 9:The Videos
I think the best one is slacker astronomy - its interesting and funny (well 'american' funny, so not super funny).
I also think the Channel 9 video podcast is cool
The Microsoft Developer Show
The Media Center Show
Slacker Astronomy
G'Day World Podcast
Channel 9:The Videos
I think the best one is slacker astronomy - its interesting and funny (well 'american' funny, so not super funny).
I also think the Channel 9 video podcast is cool
Block google ads
I nevery tryed this before, but if you right-click a google ad iFrame you can block it with Adblock (Firefox).
Just alter the filter with a wildcard to block them all:
Just alter the filter with a wildcard to block them all:
Personality test
I took this personality test that I found.
Here are my results:
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
Here are my results:
Extraversion | || | 10% |
Stability | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Orderliness | |||||||||||||| | 60% |
Empathy | |||||| | 30% |
Interdependence | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Intellectual | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Mystical | |||| | 16% |
Artistic | |||||||||| | 36% |
Religious | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% |
Hedonism | |||||| | 30% |
Materialism | || | 10% |
Narcissism | |||||| | 23% |
Adventurousness | |||||| | 30% |
Work ethic | |||||||||||||||||||| | 83% |
Self absorbed | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Conflict seeking | |||||| | 23% |
Need to dominate | |||||| | 23% |
Romantic | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Avoidant | |||||||||||||||||| | 76% |
Anti-authority | || | 10% |
Wealth | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Dependency | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Change averse | |||||| | 23% |
Cautiousness | |||||||||| | 36% |
Individuality | |||||||||||||| | 56% |
Sexuality | |||||||||||||||| | 63% |
Peter pan complex | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Physical security | |||||||||||||||||||| | 90% |
Food indulgent | |||||||||||| | 43% |
Histrionic | || | 10% |
Paranoia | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Vanity | |||||||||| | 36% |
Hypersensitivity | |||||||||||| | 50% |
Female cliche | || | 10% |
personality tests by similarminds.com
JS Tooltips
I was thinking of using tooltips for links for a site Im putting together, you know make it look a bit cooler.
multiligual HTML
I'm in the middle of creating a web page that uses both english and chineese charachters.
while trying to figure out how to actually do this, i came across this page which seems pretty good
I also found a UTF-8 text editor that seems pretty good and like everything I use its FREE!
[edit] - also need a English to Chinese translator ~BING!~
while trying to figure out how to actually do this, i came across this page which seems pretty good
I also found a UTF-8 text editor that seems pretty good and like everything I use its FREE!
[edit] - also need a English to Chinese translator ~BING!~
PHP Designer 2005
I was looking for a PHP/CSS editor, and this one seems pretty good so far.
this is all i was after so im pretty happy
- Its free
- It suppots CSS
- It does code highlighting
this is all i was after so im pretty happy
XMLHttpRequest and Mozilla
When I was trying to get the XMLHttpRequest to work in Mozilla it gave me a permission denied error - meaning that there was a security problem of sorts.
I found this thread with a solution that uses some kind of security signing. I havnt tryed it yet but im hoping that this will solve my problem
I found this thread with a solution that uses some kind of security signing. I havnt tryed it yet but im hoping that this will solve my problem
Counter strike 2D
This is cool, a conversion of counter strike to 2D. I do hate counter strike, but this seems more fun than groundhog day!
Flash Got & Free download manager
My PC froze when I was trying to play counter strike 2D - my next post will be about this.
Anyway - I was in the middle of getting a 200Mb file...(another game that if its any good will get a post) and then it was gone!! so I decided to get a download manager that went with firefox.
Flash Got seems pretty good, it creates a middle layer between firefox and most download managers. it adds stuff to the menu and the save file dialog.
the next task was to get a download manager - i chose free download manager... well its free! and there are no ads (none that i have seen yet). its simple and does exactly what i want, can shutdown, limit speed, parallel downloads. yay!
Anyway - I was in the middle of getting a 200Mb file...(another game that if its any good will get a post) and then it was gone!! so I decided to get a download manager that went with firefox.
Flash Got seems pretty good, it creates a middle layer between firefox and most download managers. it adds stuff to the menu and the save file dialog.
the next task was to get a download manager - i chose free download manager... well its free! and there are no ads (none that i have seen yet). its simple and does exactly what i want, can shutdown, limit speed, parallel downloads. yay!
Mounting a *.ISO as a drive
Do nothing hyperlink
this is pretty useful.
I had created a hyperlink that luanches a popup, but i didnt want the paent page to do anything. I was just linking it back to its self, but that was reloading the page and going back to the top - what a hassle!
anyways here was my answer.
just explains that if i return false from the javascript then the href value is ignored!
I had created a hyperlink that luanches a popup, but i didnt want the paent page to do anything. I was just linking it back to its self, but that was reloading the page and going back to the top - what a hassle!
anyways here was my answer.
just explains that if i return false from the javascript then the href value is ignored!
new albums to get
The Bravery - The Bravery
Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman
Keane - Live Recordings 2004
Greenday - American Idiot
Interpol - Antics
Ill add to this.
Ben Folds - Songs For Silverman
Keane - Live Recordings 2004
Greenday - American Idiot
Interpol - Antics
Ill add to this.
This one saved my skin the other day, and then I needed it again today... So I'm putting it here so I don't loose it.
Allrighty, this can grab HTML elements and perform operations on them (like visibility) like they were native .Net components - very handy. Especially when I was storing values in invisible text boxes. I thought I would be smart and .Net the boxes, but as soon as the visibility was turned off they wouldn't hold text??!?!?
anyway by using HTML text boxes and hiding them you can!
Allrighty, this can grab HTML elements and perform operations on them (like visibility) like they were native .Net components - very handy. Especially when I was storing values in invisible text boxes. I thought I would be smart and .Net the boxes, but as soon as the visibility was turned off they wouldn't hold text??!?!?
anyway by using HTML text boxes and hiding them you can!
External CSS linkage
I always forget how to do this:
<link REL="StyleSheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="example.css">
Convert code to HTML with code colours
When I first saw this site I thought it was a nice gimick, but then I needed to post some code and I wanted to have the nice colours...
So Ive changed my mind this tool is pretty useful
So Ive changed my mind this tool is pretty useful
IE DOM Inspector
I was looking for a DOM inspector similar to the one in Firefox, google gave me this and it seems to do the trick!
Attributes property of .Net server controls
I was looking for a way to fire off some javascript when an asp:hyperlink control was pressed. I found the answer here
all server controls have an attributes property, which is where the javascript can be placed, like so:
This can also be used on the body tag:
all server controls have an attributes property, which is where the javascript can be placed, like so:
Hyperlink1.Attributes.Add("onclick", "window.open
('popup.aspx',null,'height=250, width=250,status= no, resizable=
no, scrollbars=no, toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no ');");
('popup.aspx',null,'height=250, width=250,status= no, resizable=
no, scrollbars=no, toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no ');");
This can also be used on the body tag:
bodytag.Attributes.Add("onload", "window.open
('popup.aspx',null,'height=250, width=250,status= no, resizable= no,
scrollbars=no, toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no ');");
('popup.aspx',null,'height=250, width=250,status= no, resizable= no,
scrollbars=no, toolbar=no,location=no,menubar=no ');");
Aerial photos
This site has aerial photos of anywhere in Australia.
I can see my house! But im not exactly sure how old the photos are
I can see my house! But im not exactly sure how old the photos are
I want one of these!
This is very cool, saves money and environmentally friendly
I wonder when they will be avaliable in Australia???
This is very cool, saves money and environmentally friendly
I wonder when they will be avaliable in Australia???
Sold my car
I sold my car on the weekend.
I put an Ad in the saturday paper and it was sold by lunchtime.
The really strange thing is that I've had 4 calls after it was sold now, but they have all been around 3 - 4 pm. Is that a good time to realise that you need a car - or is it the time that you settle for less and get that cheap, beaten up '83 corolla that I was getting rid of?
I put an Ad in the saturday paper and it was sold by lunchtime.
The really strange thing is that I've had 4 calls after it was sold now, but they have all been around 3 - 4 pm. Is that a good time to realise that you need a car - or is it the time that you settle for less and get that cheap, beaten up '83 corolla that I was getting rid of?
Guess the google
This was fun, i think my top score was 230.
I noticed that the current #1 score was 395....
395!! a correct answer gets 20 points, the time you took then gets added to that - maixmum being 20. so thats a maximum of 40pts per round... 10 rounds... max 400pts.
no way is anyone guessing these and only loosing a total of 5 seconds in typing time, no way!
.... wait a sec, they are repeating the same questions. these 'top scoring' bums are making good use of the clipboard to cheat - well that makes my score seem a lot better!
I noticed that the current #1 score was 395....
395!! a correct answer gets 20 points, the time you took then gets added to that - maixmum being 20. so thats a maximum of 40pts per round... 10 rounds... max 400pts.
no way is anyone guessing these and only loosing a total of 5 seconds in typing time, no way!
.... wait a sec, they are repeating the same questions. these 'top scoring' bums are making good use of the clipboard to cheat - well that makes my score seem a lot better!
C# video game development
MSDN is putting together a series of webcasts looking at video game development using managed directX.
I've watched the first one and its a pretty good introduction. The casts are all at level 100, so they are for people new to the game, but the cool thing is that they are going to step by step put together a simple game.
I've watched the first one and its a pretty good introduction. The casts are all at level 100, so they are for people new to the game, but the cool thing is that they are going to step by step put together a simple game.
Building a cluster
I recently decided that I need to put my PII 300 to better use, so im in the process of putting together a cluster using Suse. I've found this really useful article at devarticles.com that explians how to set it up. Im hoping that with my limited experience in Linux that i can make it go.
what Im really hoping to do is to be able to process video really quickly, but I know at the moment im a long way from that!
what Im really hoping to do is to be able to process video really quickly, but I know at the moment im a long way from that!
This site is great!
Its an online music store based in Russia - meaning that they have different copyright laws.
So, music is charged per Mb, and I think its about US 6c p/Mb!
anyway 10 bucks AUS got me about 8 albums, how cool is that?
Its an online music store based in Russia - meaning that they have different copyright laws.
So, music is charged per Mb, and I think its about US 6c p/Mb!
anyway 10 bucks AUS got me about 8 albums, how cool is that?
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