ASIMO video
house of Cosbys
Dontclickit is a site which I heard about on rocketboom. It features an interface that doesn’t need to be clicked. Its very cool.
This program seems pretty cool, it allows you to add meta tag information of audio files in explorer. I already use dbpoweramp to do this, but I think AudioShell looks better and it allows you to add cover art.
Privacy violation JS Text Box
This is pretty cool, it’s a script that records to a hidden field what you typing at all times, including all cursor movement, and backspace key. The resulting text file can then be ‘decoded’ and played back at normal speed, just how it was typed!
C# String.Join()
Here is another embarrassing fact that I keep forgetting how to do in C#
String to array = string.split(delimiter)
Array to string = String.Join(delimiter, array);
There is a forum.blogging tool that we use – Community Server, but I think I just found a flaw. If there is an underscore (_) in a username the whole thing breaks L
It took me awhile to figure this out as there was %5F being put into the url, here is a useful page for looking at URL encoding and a simple decoder javascript
Battlefield2 tweak guide
This looks pretty useful, have to see if I can get a better run out of BF2
This also has a few more tweaks and mods for BF2, I think the most interesting is the battlerecorder test file
Manhole covers - revised
Oh well... I joined up with the other group and moved my pictures over
Manhole covers
Learnign programs via OPML
I commented on Cameron Reilly’s blog today regarding some of the stuff I get up to at work (which is mostly listening to podcasts :P)
He seems to think that I might be worth while interviewing, well maybe…
GAC again!!!
I’m still having this stupid GAC-related problem!!!
Anyways I think I found yet another useful resource to my GAC collection.
It seems that apart from going to the effort of adding the assembliy to the GAC you also have to add it to the web.config, like so:
<add assembly="MerrillLynch.Bank.Framework.Web, version=1.1.2005.0, publicKeyToken=80a6f6408bd93158, culture=neutral" />
signed/strongly-typed assembiles
there's a .NET command-line tool "sn.exe" ... sn -T
Dr Who sfx
This is entertaining, a flash app that combines all the audio sounds needed to create Dr Who sounds J
XSLT files
This is something that I only just discovered, I guess I’m a little slow.
Anyway, an XSLT file is used for transforming an XML file into either another XML file or a XHTML file – this is the cool thing, you can turn XML into HTML. This tutorial is a good one.
JavaScript redirect
So that’s how its done!
Something meaningful
Ok, now for something more than just – hey this is cool.
I’ve been looking at some JavaScript lately and here are some things I have been using.
It turns out that the <select>/<options> tags don’t support tool tips, not only that they don’t support JavaScript events either – how stupid. So I’ve created a list of links nested inside a div that does the same thing – have a look:
Var listLengths = new Array();
function drawList(){var linkText = new Array();
linkText[0] = “this is a load of text”;
var div = getElementById(‘divList’);
div.innerHTML = “<ul id=’itemList’>”;
for(var i=0;i<linkText.length;i++){
var tempSplit = new Array();
tempSplit = linkText[i];
linkText[i] = tempSplit.join(' ');
div.innerHTML += "<li><a id=’list~”+ i +”’ href=’about:blank’ title=’”+ linkText[i] +”’ onClick=’listClick(\”itemList\”, \”list~” + i +”); return false;’>”+ linkText[i] +”</a></li>
div.innerHTML += “</ul>”;
listLengths['itemList'] = linkText.length;
function listClick(listName, link){
For(var i=0;i<listLengths[listName];i++){
Document.getElementById(link.split('~')[0]+ '~' + i).style.backgroundColor = ‘#FFF’;
document.getElementById(link).style.backgroundColor = '#c0c0c0';
return false;
.thisDiv {
margin:0 5px 0 0;
.thisDiv ul {
padding:5 5 0 10;
margin:0 0 0 0;
.thisDiv a {
.thisDiv a:visited {
.thisDiv li {
I’m pretty sure this works, its from something that does, so if it doesn’t… well it shouldn’t take too long to get going!
Flickr can host my images for this blog (apparently)
hmm, looks pretty good :)
I discovered Flickr today… I’m not really sure how useful its going to be yet, but you never know. I might upload all my pictures from China in there as a cool place to store them. I really like the email function, its just makes it easy… although I’m not exactly sure what stops anyone from emailing stuff into my account – ill have to look into that.